The brief pause feels like a rare invitation to temporarily suspend reality. A welcomed respite from surfing the waves of uncertainty that we all face. Navigating a global pandemic – where the lines between work and life have nearly vanished – without capsizing is new. The implications of being always on, always in motion are timeless. Has “always on” at work and in life suddenly become your new routine? You’re not alone. Beyond the warnings from the experts, let’s bring it back to a personal question: Is that always-on routine serving you? Putting you at your best? As Dr. Ahmad and some of us discovered the hard way, always-on routines result in burnout more often than breakthroughs. Unless you get deeply curious about the source of your burnout. Author and thought leader Adam Grant describes burnout as the sustained combination of:

Increased job demandsFeeling or experiencing a lack of control over outcomesLack of connection to social support systems (colleagues, peers, friends, family)

Sound familiar? The good news is the cure is universally available.

Physician, Heal Thyself.

Before Dr. Ahmad became the picture of calm, he lived in constant chaos. He recalls the moment he applied the acute diagnosis of burnout to himself. He was in Switzerland for a high stakes meeting when two emails changed the trajectory of his life permanently. “Those two emails represented the two extremes of emotion I could have experienced at that point in my life,” Dr. Ahmad recalls. “The first was from my boss’ boss congratulating me on a new promotion that I earned ahead of schedule. That should have been a moment of joy and satisfaction and excitement, but I didn’t feel any of those things. The other email was from my girlfriend breaking up with me. Over email. Which, by itself is bad enough. It’s hard to even put into words how I should have been feeling in that moment. But, again, I didn’t feel anything.” Dr. Ahmad unceremoniously closed his laptop, collapsed on his hotel bed – still fully clad in his tailored suit, silk tie, and perfectly polished shoes – and fell fast asleep. Karen Mangia knows the theme of his story is eerily familiar. Because she’s been there, too. And maybe you’re there now. At the apex of accomplishment and on the cusp of collapse. Mangia shared in her book, Success With Less: When you were forced to invest in surviving a global pandemic, what did you choose to divest in response? The answer, for most people, is nothing. Rather than lament what might have been, press pause to run a personal diagnostic on your current state.

Silent Symptoms of Burnout

Some symptoms of burnout are easily overlooked. That’s why Dr. Ahmad recommends testing these six vital signs on a regular basis. Dr. Ahmad cautions there’s no shame in any of these symptoms. Your body is simply trying to figure out what it needs. 

The Prescription to Cure Burnout.

The root cause of burnout is less about where you are or what you do and more about how you feel about where you are and what you do. Have you ever noticed that one jam-packed day can feel totally different from another?  Why is that? The cure to burnout lies in the one-word answer to that question. Fulfillment.  “We all want to live rich, satisfying lives,” Dr. Ahmad shares. “Burnout is about a lack of fulfillment.”  When you and I spend our time and energy on activities we find fulfilling, we not only feel, we feel energized. By contrast, activities we don’t find fulfilling leave us feeling depleted. And sustained depletion is the very nature of burnout.  There is a path forward – even in isolation. “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive,” said Howard Thurman, author, philosopher and civil rights leader. Give yourself permission to explore what makes you come alive. And extinguish the flames of burnout one spoonful of water at a time. What’s one micro-experience you can enjoy as soon as today that helps you come alive? How are you overcoming burnout? Share your ideas with us and our extended virtual community @karenmangia and @valaafshar  This article was co-authored by Karen Mangia, vice president, customer and market insights, at Salesforce.  Karen engages customers globally to discover new ways of creating success and growth together. From Executive Advisory Boards to strategic consulting engagements, her insights are central to Go-to-Market strategy, product development, marketing, and branding. In addition, Karen influences industry thought leadership in her role as Chair of the Customer Experience Council for The Conference Board. Formerly responsible for Insight Innovation at Cisco Systems, she led a global team with oversight into Customer Satisfaction and Experience, Diversity Business Practices, and Global Offset and Countertrade. Karen is also the author of Success With Less and a TEDx speaker.