Philosophical questions aside, art isn’t art until somebody sees it. That’s the primary struggle for artists no matter their medium, and the web remains the easiest way for creatives to find an audience. That is if they can stand out from an ever-growing crowd. Fortunately, there’s a way for artists to establish themselves as part of the creative community before people even hit their website: with their own .ART domain name. The benefits of having a .ART domain are many. If you’re running a retail business, .COM domains are just fine; it is web shorthand for “commercial,” after all, the same way .EDU signifies an educational institution. If you’re an artist of any kind, such as a photographer or graphic designer, that “.ART” at the end of your URL could instantly set you apart. When it comes to internet marketing, it’s all about finding your niche. Naming your digital brand this way tells people something vital about you even before they open your bio. And not only people will recognize you as an artist – that .ART domain flags you as an artist to search algorithms, helping you rank higher on search engine results for your chosen creative field. If you’re just starting to build your online presence, there’s a great package deal to get you up and running. It includes a 10-year standard registry for your new .ART domain, just like the ones used by the Louvre, Maria Abramovic, and Pixar, to name a few. It also gives you access to a website builder with all the tools you’ll need to show people your work on the web.  It’s all available for only $49.99, which is down 50% from the original price.