The history of computer science provides important context for today’s innovations. Thanks to computer science, we landed a person on the moon, connected the world with the internet, and put a portable computing device in six billion hands.   In 1961, George Forsythe came up with the term “computer science.” Forsythe defined the field as programming theory, data processing, numerical analysis, and computer systems design. Only a year later, the first university computer science department was established. And Forsythe went on to found the computer science department at Stanford.  Looking back at the development of computers and computer science offers valuable context for today’s computer science professionals. What changed? For one, computer science technology took some major leaps forward, thanks to new tech companies, demand for devices, and the rise of mobile technology. In the 1990s, the Dot-com boom turned investors into overnight millionaires. Smartphones, artificial intelligence, Bluetooth, self-driving cars, and more represent the recent past and the future of computer science. This section looks at how the history of computer science has shaped our present and our future. From fighting climate change to predicting natural disasters, computer science makes a difference.

  1. Connects people regardless of location During the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of Americans suddenly relied on video chat services to connect with their loved ones. Communications-focused computer science disciplines link people around the globe. From virtual communications to streaming technology, these technologies keep people connected.
  2. Impacts every aspect of day-to-day life Millions of Americans wake up every morning thanks to a smartphone alarm, use digital maps to find local restaurants, check their social media profiles to connect with old friends, and search for unique items at online stores. From finding new recipes to checking who rang the doorbell, computer science shapes many choices in our daily lives.
  3. Provides security solutions Cybersecurity goes far beyond protecting data. Information security also keeps airports, public spaces, and governments safe. Computer security solutions keep our online data private while cleaning up after data breaches. Ethical hackers continue to test for weaknesses to protect information.
  4. Saves lives Computer science algorithms make it easier than ever before to predict catastrophic weather and natural disasters. Thanks to early warning systems, people can evacuate before a hurricane touches ground or take shelter when a tsunami might hit. These computer science advances make a major difference by saving lives.
  5. Alleviates societal issues Global issues like climate change, poverty, and sanitation require advanced solutions. Computer science gives us new tools to fight these major issues – and the resources to help individuals advocate for change. Online platforms make it easier for charities to raise money to support their causes, for example.
  6. Gives a voice to anyone with computer access Computer access opens up a whole new world. Thanks to computers, people can learn more about social movements, educate themselves on major issues, and build communities to advocate for change. They can also develop empathy for others. Of course, that same power can be used to alienate and harm, adding an important layer of responsibility for computer scientists developing new tools.
  7. Improves healthcare Electronic medical records, health education resources, and cutting-edge advances in genomics and personalized medicine have revolutionized healthcare – and these shifts will continue to shape the field in the future. Computer science has many medical applications, making it a critical field for promoting health.  By practicing computer science ethically, professionals can make sure the future of tech positively and productively benefits society while also protecting the security, privacy, and equality of individuals.