Also: How to record a call on your iPhone When your iPhone is plugged into a charger, Clean Energy Charging measures your local energy grid and throttles the phone’s charging speed so that it only pulls electricity during times of cleaner energy production. That means that during peak hours – usually between 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. – your iPhone won’t charge as fast as you may need, if at all. It’s hard to argue against a feature that promotes sustainability and a healthier planet, but there are certainly moments when time is of the essence and the normal charging rate, let alone a faster one, is much needed. Apple also has Clean Energy Charging turned on by default, which may catch some users off guard. For those who can relate, here’s how to turn off the new charging feature.

How to turn off Clean Energy Charging

Why don’t I see the Clean Energy Charging setting?

If you don’t see the Clean Energy Charging setting, there’s a chance that your iPhone is not operating on iOS 16.1 or later. You’ll have to update to the latest software version first. Even then, if you’re still experiencing slow charging speeds, I’d recommend picking up a compatible, fast charger.  Also: Is your iPhone ‘Charging on Hold’? Here’s what you should do A pop-up will appear asking if you’d like to turn off the feature until tomorrow or permanently. You can always manually turn it back on, of course.

Does Clean Energy Charging work all the time?

According to Apple, Clean Energy Charging only works when your iPhone is plugged in at a time and location that it deems as common. For example, it will work when you’re charging at home or at the office but not at the airport.

What is the healthiest way to charge your iPhone?

While there is no definitive method of charging that yields the healthiest results, ZDNET’s team of mobile experts has found the following ways helpful in reducing battery degradation: