Also: How to write better ChatGPT prompts People are learning how to use ChatGPT to ask it questions in search of funny answers, see how well it can create content, improve their writing or Excel skills, find and correct a bug in code, or summarize a book. Some even wonder if the AI chatbot could replace programmers or writers, and how it will revolutionize different industries. Also: AI projects now exceed 350,000, according to Stanford Through it all, one thing is clear: The genius of this latest AI tool isn’t in how innovative the idea of it is, but in how accessible and easy it is to use. The AI chatbot can hold conversational text interactions with users by employing artificial intelligence, and these exchanges can feel as natural as if you were having a conversation with another person.

How to use ChatGPT

More ChatGPT prompt examples

ChatGPT can generate responses to prompts (a feature that could eventually challenge search engines) well enough to become an important tool for content generation from writing essays to summarizing a book for you, but it can also write and fix code, make calculations, help you compile your resume, translate information, and more. Here are examples of prompts you could start with: Now that you know how to log into and access ChatGPT, it’s time to get started with it and ask the language model any burning questions you may have and see what kind of answers you can get. Also: How to make ChatGPT provide sources and citations At this point, you can type in any of your ChatGPT prompts in the text bar at the bottom of the page and press enter to submit your questions. The AI chatbot will then generate text in an attempt to provide helpful answers to your prompts.

What is quantum physics?Write a poem about a headache in the style of Walt Whitman.Write a country song about a dog named Speckles who loves to run.Summarize the Pride and Prejudice book for me.Write a sick note for my child missing school.

Is ChatGPT the best AI?

If you’re trying to figure out which is the best AI chatbot, you may wonder how OpenAI’s ChatGPT compares to others, like Google Bard and Microsoft’s AI-powered Bing. The rise in ChatGPT’s popularity can largely be attributed to the expert combination of wide accessibility, knowledge, and fluidity in conversations.  Also: ChatGPT vs. Bing Chat: Which AI chatbot should you use? Bard and Bing Chat are available on a more limited preview. Compared to ChatGPT, Bing Chat is more based on its search engine nature, as it combines GPT-4 and gathers information from the internet, even quoting the sources for the web pages where it got its response. 

What can I use ChatGPT for? 

Your imagination is the limit. Have fun with different ChatGPT prompts. ZDNET’s David Gewirtz asked the AI chatbot to write a WordPress plugin for him and used it to help him fix code faster, for example. He also asked it to write a Star Trek script.  Also: How to use ChatGPT to write code Others are using it to write malware. One professor is even requiring the use of ChatGPT in his classroom and countless other teachers are using it even more than their students. Here are a few lower tech ideas you could try: 

Write a song about [insert topic here] – Try adding multiple details. Write a poem about [insert topic here] – Again, add as many details as you can think of.  Ask it philosophical questions. Ask it to summarize ideas or concepts.

The more details you write in your prompts, the more precise the answers will be.  Also: How does ChatGPT work? ChatGPT could come to replace and, in the case of Bing, enhance search engines. Though the text bar in ChatGPT isn’t a search bar, Microsoft introduced an AI-powered Bing search engine that is connected to the internet, making it able to provide answers to questions that ChatGPT can’t handle.

Can I use ChatGPT on mobile?

Though there is no ChatGPT mobile app, you can use the AI-based tool from your mobile browser on your smartphone.  Also: How to save a ChatGPT conversation to revisit later The steps to use OpenAI’s ChatGPT from your phone are the same as above; simply go to, log in, accept the terms, and start typing. The AI assistant will work just as it would when you access it from your computer. 

Can ChatGPT refuse to answer my prompts?

AI systems like ChatGPT aren’t all-powerful; they can and do reject inappropriate requests. Aside from having limited knowledge, the AI assistant is able to distinguish inappropriate requests to prevent the generation of unsafe content.  Also: 6 things ChatGPT can’t do (and another 20 it refuses to do) This includes questions that violate someone’s rights, are offensive, discriminatory, and involve illegal activities. The ChatGPT model can also challenge incorrect premises, answer follow-up questions, and even admit mistakes when you point them out.

Does ChatGPT give everyone the same answer?

Most of the time, when different people ask ChatGPT the same question, they will get the same answer. There may be a few word variations, but they will be almost identical. The trick is that several people must word their questions exactly the same for this to happen.  Also: I tried Bing’s AI chatbot, and it solved my biggest problems with ChatGPT If someone wanted to determine whether an article was written by ChatGPT, or if a professor wanted to see if the language model was used for an essay by a student, asking ChatGPT the same question the article or essay was based on could help figure it out. ChatGPT also tends to generate more polite prose than human writers do. 

How do I access ChatGPT?

You can access ChatGPT by going to and logging in. If you’re on OpenAI’s website, you can log in to your account, then scroll down until you see ChatGTP on the bottom left corner of the page, and click on it to start chatting.

Is ChatGPT free?

Yes, you can use ChatGPT for free – for now. Since the natural language processing model is still in its research and “learning” preview phase, people can use it for free; all you need is to register for a free OpenAI account, though there is an option to upgrade to a paid membership.  OpenAI launched ChatGPT Plus for customers who want to have unlimited access without blackout windows during peak times, faster responses, and priority access to new features, for $20/month.  Also: The best AI art generators: DALL-E 2 and alternatives It’s also based on GPT-4, a more advanced language model than what the free version of ChatGPT runs on. 

How to register for ChatGPT?

In order to register for ChatGPT, all you need to do is sign up for a free OpenAI account using your email address. 

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a large language model that uses artificial intelligence to hold text conversations with users that can feel natural, as if you were asking someone questions.  Also: Can AI detectors save us from ChatGPT? I tried 3 online tools to find out The human-like responses are useful when translating from one language to another, looking for instructions on how to do something, and generating written content.

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT uses reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) to intelligently process its environment using human demonstrations and adapt to different situations with learned desired behaviors.  ChatGPT has been trained on a substantial amount of data prior to this research preview, and continues learning through the human knowledge users provide, making it able to give educated responses on a vast variety of topics. 

Does ChatGPT give wrong answers?

ChatGPT, like all language models, is not without limitations and can give nonsensical answers and incorrect information, so it’s important to double-check the data it gives you. It’s constantly learning from the text data it is provided by users and available online, which can make it prone to misinformation.  OpenAI recommends users provide feedback on what ChatGPT tells them using the thumbs up and down buttons, in order to better improve the model. Even better, you could become part of the company’s Bug Bounty program to earn up to $20,000 by reporting concerning finds and safety issues.  Also: OpenAI will pay you to hunt for ChatGPT bugs The AI chatbot is also not connected to the internet and is unable to determine the current date, so asking ChatGPT how many days until Easter won’t get you an exact number of days, for example – this is one of the ways ChatGPT differs from search engines.

Will my conversations with ChatGPT be used for training?

When you’re familiarizing yourself with how to use ChatGPT, you may wonder if your specific conversations will be used for training and, if so, then who can view your conversations. Your conversations can be viewed by OpenAI and used as training data to refine its systems, so I wouldn’t enter any personal or private information.  Also: Teachers are using ChatGPT more than students. Here’s how The prompts you enter when you use ChatGPT are also permanently saved to your account and you won’t be able to delete specific prompts unless you delete your whole account. If you’d like to delete your account, follow these steps:

Why is ChatGPT saying my access is denied?

During peak times, you may be unable to access ChatGPT. If you’re seeing a message that it’s at capacity, you can refresh the page or sign up to receive an email when it’s available again. Also: 5 ways to use chatbots to make your life easier Aside from reaching capacity, access to ChatGPT can be denied for various reasons – mine gets denied while using a VPN, for example. If you’re getting a message when trying to use ChatGPT that says your access is denied, it may be one of these issues:

Violation of the API’s terms of service.User trying to access an unavailable version of GPT.The API key may be invalid.User has exceeded usage limits.Violation of the OpenAI API terms of service.