Sonos first filed suit against Google in the federal court system in January 2020. Sonos said Friday’s ruling is the first milestone in what’s sure to be a lengthy legal dispute.  “Today, the [Administrative Law Judge] has found all five of Sonos’ asserted patents to be valid and that Google infringes on all five patents,” Sonos Chief Legal Officer Eddie Lazarus said in a statement provided to ZDNet. “We are pleased the ITC has confirmed Google’s blatant infringement of Sonos’ patented inventions. This decision re-affirms the strength and breadth of our portfolio, marking  a promising milestone in our long-term pursuit to defend our innovation against misappropriation by Big Tech monopolies.” Specifically, an ITC judge ruled that Google violated the Tariff Act of 1930 when it imported to the US and sold certain audio players and controllers, as well as their respective components. Sonos has asked the ITC to issue a limited exclusion order and cease and desist orders against Google.  In addition to complaining to the ITC, Sonos also filed suit against Google in a federal district court last year, and its CEO Patrick Spence testified against Google before a US House antitrust subcommittee.  Google, meanwhile, countersued Sonos last year.