The “Learn C# by Building Applications” class is a great place to start. You’ll learn the basics of C#6 and C#7, as well as how to create real-life .NET Console apps. Follow up with the “Master C# And SQL by Building Applications” to add SQL. Next, “Beginner Object Oriented Programming In C# and .NET Core” will advance your developer skills. “The Complete Introduction to C++ Programming” offers all the practice you need in creating applications to learn the basics of C++. And you’ll everything about C++11/14/17 features in the comprehensive “Complete Modern C++” class. As you might expect, “Structural Design Patterns in Modern C++” and “Creational Design Patterns in Modern C++” offer in-depth coverage of what structural and creational design patterns are and how to use them. “C/C++ Pointers & Applications”, “Object Oriented Analysis, Design & Programming with UML” and “Detecting Memory Leaks in C/C++ Applications” all also deliver exactly what their titles indicate. These classes and the instructors who teach them have all be very highly rated by former students, and for good reasons. For example, developer and Poash Technologies founder Umar Lone is a highly acclaimed trainer. He and the “Complete Modern C++” class he teaches were both rated 4.5 out of 5 stars. Don’t pass up the opportunity to learn at your own pace some of the most highly-demanded skills in the tech industry. Get The Complete C Suite Programming Bundle while it’s on sale for only $49.99.