While the platforms compete in the crowded market for collaboration tools, the companies say Workplace and Teams complement one another.  While Workplace is focused on “community and connection,” Head of Workplace Ujjwal Singh said to ZDNet, “Teams is much more focused around productivity and small team collaboration. “Bringing these things together in a meaningful way makes the employee experience more seamless for our customers,” he said.  The first integration will enable Teams admins to set up a feed of Workplace content that can be pinned to the Teams sidebar. The content continues to be ranked algorithmically, much like it would be directly in the Workplace app. “This is a key part of connection and community,” Singh said, “knowing what’s happening across the organization, what your leader is thinking about, what the vision for the team is.” The second integration, coming next year, will let users in Workplace view Teams content, as well as interact and engage with it. “One of the areas where Workplace really shines is engagement tools around live and video content,” Singh said. The ability to take content from Teams and add it to Workplace will be “a key piece of Microsoft video getting higher engagement.” Singh declined to say what portion of Workplace customers also use Teams. However, Microsoft and Meta already have a solid partnership. Joint customers can already integrate Workplace with SharePoint, OneDrive and the Office 365 suite. They’re adding the new integrations in response to customer requests, Singh said.