Microsoft is adding one new Solution Area to the five it had in FY'21. The newest is Digital and Application Innovation, meaning the app platform, with an increased focus on developers of all types. The other five: Modern Work and Play; Security; Business Apps; Data and AI; and Infrastructure. In terms of new leaders, Microsoft is announcing today that Deb Cupp will be the new President of Microsoft U.S. Yesterday, the current President of Microsoft U.S., Kate Johnson, announced her plan to leave after four years for unspecified personal reasons. Johnson will be leaving on September 1 and will work with Cupp on the transition. Cupp has been with Microsoft for nearly four years and currently serves as Corporate Vice President of Enterprise and Commercial Industries. She also is a board member of Avanade. She joined Microsoft from SAP SuccessFacttors in 2018. Another executive to watch is Omar Abbosh, who becomes Corporate Vice President of Industry Solutions. Abbosh, who joined Microsoft last year from Accenture after 31 years there,  is overseeing the combined Enterprise, Industry, Public Sector, Commercial Software Engineering and Microsoft Consulting teams. As part of the change, Julia Glidden, Corporate Vice President of the Worldwide Public Sector, and John Shewchuk, Technical Fellow for Commercial Software Engineering, will report to Abbosh. The Digital Transformation Partnership Team, also will report to him, with Ali Faramawy recently announcing plans to leave Microsoft at the end of the year. Nick Parker will continue as Corporate Vice President of Global Partner Solutions and Chris Weber as Corporate Vice President of SMC and Digital Sales.