Officials said today that Microsoft will have an “accommodation” process in place for employees, so that those with a medical condition or other protected reason, such as religion, which prevents them from getting vaccinated, will be able to obtain an exemption. They also said caregivers of those who are immunosuppressed or parents of children too young to receive a vaccine will be able to continue to work from home until January 2022. Last week, officials with Microsoft’s LinkedIn subsidiary said LinkedIn employees will be able to continue to work remotely indefinitely. Microsoft officials said they will be reviewing the need for remote workon a local basis in each region, country and state where the company does business and will adjust dates and policies as needed. A growing number of tech and non-tech businesses are mandating vaccination for their employees. Some, instead, are planning to require employees to wear masks indoors as a way to try to stave off the resurgence of the COVID pandemic’s newest variants.